Computers Machine Learning Thinking

Software Engineering when AI seems Everywhere

It’s pretty much impossible to miss the big push to use AI/LLM (Large Language Model) coding assistants for software engineers. Individual engineers, small and large companies seem to be going “all in” on this1. I’m generally wary of things that are this popular, as those often turn out more cargo cult than genuinely positive. So what’s a prudent thing to do as a software engineer? I believe the way ahead is a boring piece of advice, taht applies almost everywhere: instead of going easy, do more of the difficult stuff.

I genuinely think that putting the AI/LLM genie back into the bottle is unlikely (the same way as some people want the Internet, or smartphones, or cryptocurrencies put back into the bottle, which also not really gonna happen). That doesn’t mean that uncritical acceptance of the coding assistant tools should be the norm, au contraire, just like any tool, one needs to discover when they are fit for for the job, and when they are not. I have used GitHub CoPilot for a while, now digging into Cursor as it starts to conquer the workplace, and ChatGPT & Claude for individual coding questions. I don’t think it’s controversial to say that all these tools have their “strengths and weaknesses”, and that currently the more complex, more “production” the problem is, the further away it is from a proof-of-concept, the less likely these tools are of any help. They are help, they can be a large force multiplier, but they are big multiplier when one goes in with the least amount of input (knowledge, awailable time, reqirements for the result…)

Computers Thinking

I’ve learned this about hacking, inspired by Mr. Robot

The second season of Mr. Robot has just finished last week. While it’s one of the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen, it is also held as the TV show with the closest depiction how computer hacking works for real (see for example Quora or Reddit). Looks like  it inspired a lot of people to “try out” the tools the characters use on the show (adding to the popularity of Kali Linux, or the Wickr chat app for example), which does feel a natural way to relate to your favorite characters, in a geek way.

I couldn’t resist either, and tried to dig a bit deeper, learning some geek (ie. not professional) lessons about how hacking works, party from the events in the show directly, partly by following for a few steps what were done in the show, and deconstructing the results. Here’s what I’ve collected so far:

Social engineering is likely a big part, a crucial enabler of most “successful” hacks. The show works with characters so it might be biased towards human actions, but it makes sense that social engineering can open door where the “bits” are closed. All the shows main hacks I remember included social engineering (not going to spoil here anything). This also made me a lot more aware in life, for example when talking with my bank online, or trying to get official things done in a way that it involves trust. Very much seems to me, that social engineering vulnerabilities and “opportunities” are really abound, and that makes me a lot more careful. For example, when calling to the bank, my verification data is three pieces of information that is available online or relatively easy, and I think of how I’ve seen such situation abused (in fiction, mind you), then I get a little jumpy. Not sure how other countries are like, but it feels like so many weak points in Taiwan, that she is just protected by the language barrier from western hackers/scammers – but sure that doesn’t deter another hostile nation. So yeah, my lessons is trying to improve on things, be mindful of trust-based situations encountered, while do be more confident to get things done better (in a non-malicious way of course), as confidence is one of the key ingredients of social engineering as well.


Changing the World

My father picked me up from school one day and we played hooky and went to the beach. It was too cold to go in the water so we sat on a blanket and ate pizza. When I got home my sneakers were full of sand and I dumped it on my bedroom floor. I didn’t know the difference, I was six. My mother screamed at me for the mess but he wasn’t mad. He said that billions of years ago the world ‘s shifting and ocean moving brought that sand to that spot on the beach and then I took it away. Every day he said we change the world. Which is a nice thought until I think about how many days and lifetimes I would need to bring a shoe full of sand home until there is no beach. Until it made a difference to anyone. Every day we change the world. But to change the world in a way that means anything that take more time that most people have. it never happens all at once. Its slow. Its methodical. Its exhausting. We don’t all have the stomach for it.

— Mr. Robot (eps1.4_3xpl0its.wmv)

Maker Thinking

Is there an Uncanny Valley for hardware projects?

The concept of the Uncanny Valley comes from robotics, its hypothesis says that when humanoid robots move and feel almost, but not completely like the real thing, they can be more off-putting than the robots that have less human likeness.

Working on quite a few hardware projects these days, I started to wonder (okay, say it out loud: worry), that there’s an uncanny valley for hardware projects as well. My theory goes such that hardware projects that are almost, but not completely professional can be more off-putting (or underwhelming) than less advanced, clearly maker projects and prototypes.

Life Thinking

I know less now than I did as a kid

As part of my new-year reflections and resolutions, I’ve looked at how well-rounded human being I am. How do I look at the things around me, and how are my interests? Are they wide enough, are they deep enough (by whatever metric)? I came to the conclusion that I knew much more as a kid than I know now as an adult, regressed in a lot of areas, and it’s worth taking a look at why that could have happened & what does it really mean? Do I need to be worried about that?

Let’s see some examples of things that occupied the mind of kid-me and now-me…

Kid-me knew more

Dinosaurs & Prehistory


I don’t think there are many kids who were not fascinated by dinosaurs! I had a bunch of books about them, and about other prehistoric creatures. It’s amazing to see life forms that are not found anymore, and also see how they connect to animals living now. It’s a whole different world that is amazing to imagine. This also includes prehistoric people, their ways of living, a much simpler, very different way of being. This put everything into perspective, gained an appreciation to looooong times, and change all around us on earth.