
Language of the Month: Javascript

Continuing the Language of the Month serious after a little bit of break when I was busy with other stuff:

Javascript icon
Just a Javascript icon...

It is very long overdue, since I was looking at Javascript like…. 14 years now? But never really spent time to understand it because I never needed it really. I’m old enough to remember that when I started to browse the web, every time there was a page using Javascript, people’s sentiment was “oh, no, that’s going to be very slow, I don’t even want to check this site anymore”. Pretty much like it was/is with Flash later on.

Compare this to now, how 100% static sites are practically disappeared, and no web developer worth their salt should skip on learning it. I’m glad that browsers spent a lot of time improving performance and that so many interesting projects came out of it.

My impression of the current state of the art is that using HTML + CSS + Javascript now it is easier than ever to make good front-ends for programs. I’m mostly a command-line guy (and that’s pretty easy with many scripting languages as well as Python that I use), but I cannot deny that I’m the minority. Still, when i need convenience, I can even imagine people creating local (meaning not internet-enabled) software with those things.

Since more and more people had similar idea and started to work on it, there are plenty of projects that make this even easier, like jQuery and all its plugins. I don’t think people need a lot of introduction and already can do a lot of things easier using that. One drawback is that many things could be just as easily done in pure Javascript but people quite often don’t know that. I certainly have to learn a lot more.

In this month I was reading a few books and sites that people recommended on Hacker News, as well as I used it to do a few actual projects. Now that’s a change compared to the previous Language of the Month columns.


WatchDoc: a Chrome extension that notifies you when your shared documents on Google Docs change. Chrome extensions are merely HTML+CSS+JS code, so it was a perfect way to try a few things. (Will write it up here later) (wrote up here).

NowJS real time games hackathon: NowJS is a real-time communication plugin for NodeJS, the JS server. I wanted to make a game for this hackathon, but run out of time. Spent some time working with it, and it’s actually pretty awesome when I started to understand it, I’m do want to finish the game at a later time (it’s a multiplayer trivia game) . (Will write it up here later)

Venus & Mars: a little afternoon project using Facebook to help my friend’s research assignment at her university. Listing people’s status updates separated by gender. It looks awfully ugly, because I just wanted to make it work, but for the fun of it it’s NodeJS so good to practice my JS-foo.  (Will write it up here later)


I definitely going to learn more of it, because now that I start to understand I quite like it, and I cannot imagine it going away anytime soon. Now that it is just a matter of seconds to set up a project on the web (really, on Heroku, Appengine, dotCloud are all one click away) there’s no good excuse not to do that.


  • JSON, ’nuff said. That’s just such a good data format that is both human and machine readable. Seem to be pretty much the
  • No problem (it seems) with Unicode and international characters. Though I think it uses UTF-16 while many other code is using UTF-8, not sure if that makes any difference.
  • Feels quite light and flexible (from the language point of view, not necessarily the resources needed)
  • Since the source of websites is necessarily open, it is possible to learn from others’ examples much easier than otherwise.


  • Feels like it has a lot of baggage from it’s long(ish) and torrid life, which makes it feel a bit inconsistent. E.g. the first day of the month is 1, but the first month (January) is 0.
  • People generally seem to write pretty bad Javascript code. Because it’s so easy everyone can make some useful project, but they are full of bugs. Fortunately it’s Open Source, so I can try to figure it out, and I did find a handful of upstream bugs. But the stress…. huh…


  • Formatting of JS code can be pretty unreadable (especially comparing with Python where formatting is not optional). It is made more difficult when I’m editing JS within a HTML file, since Emacs cannot handle that well.
  • Up until quite recently there weren’t any really good tools to troubleshoot things. Fortunately there’s Chrome and it’s Javascript console, and Firebug for Firefox. There are still some mysterious errors and the debugging has to be planned well ahead.
  • There are many things that are straightforward but require a lot of typing. Fortunately projects like jQuery are trying to fix that, but still there’s a long way to go.
  • Just like in Lua, for keys in dictionaries the quotation marks are not required and they are still understood as strings. These kind of magic can be convenient but there are occasions when confusing.



Interesting Javascript projects and sites

  • jQuery: making it easier to use JS, especially with respect to HTML DOM manipulation
  • Node.js: server side JS, thus it is possible for the first time (?) to use the same language for the front and back end on the web
  • jsFiddle: easy online editor, prototyping and code sharing for the web (JavaScript, MooTools, jQuery, Prototype, YUI, Glow and Dojo, HTML, CSS)

(last edited 2011-10-03)


Tech setup for an Ignite

Recently I was co-organizing our Ignite Taipei #2 event (see the pictures and watch the talks – this latter if you speak Chinese…) I try to be the self-proclaimed Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of the event. Either because I hope the tech side of things goes down well, or more likely if things fail then there’s no-one else to blame just myself. And things do indeed fail all the time all different ways.

So as a CTO I try to make sure that everything computer related runs well and I did collect some useful scripts (for that mostly command-line driven way I do things). I thought it would be useful to write them all up, mostly for me to remember, not just the scripts themselves but the rationale of some choices made along the way.

As Ignite’s motto is “Inspire us but make it quick”, I found that that the Ignite organizer’s motto can be “Everything will be just fine.”

The computers I used for getting things ready for the show
The computers I used for getting things ready for the show


Ignite in short is an evening of quick presentations, each one of them exactly 5 minutes, 20 slides that auto-advance every 15 seconds. Altogether there are 10-16 talks on evening, It aims to be an event for inspiring people, and something that should be relatively straightforward to organize.

Computer setup

I had 2 computers for the event, but those were actually 3 systems:

  • A Linux system (Arch Linux), my own computer that I knew very well and run the presentation off.
  • A Linux/Windows dual boot system that I borrowed, Windows (Vista of all things) for PPT-PDF conversion and Ubuntu for live streaming.
If I could, I’d ditch the Windows part altogether, but if can’t it would probably be better to run it in a virtual machine (so I don’t have to reboot, more on this later) or on a separate (third) computer.


Most of the organization was done on Google Docs with a shared document, keeping tabs of who we have as speakers, what needs to be done.

Shameless plug: next time it will be even easier with WatchDoc, a Chrome extension I wrote after Ignite to get notification when shared documents change :)

Besides keeping up with what to do, I had to take care of the presentations that the speakers sent to me. Since I’m not a fan of PowerPoint and its unreliability to display things the same way on different computers (and LibreOffice not being ready to handle .ppt/.pptx as well as I’d like it to), I had to convert everything into PDF. People with Mac, using Keynote were easy, they have PDF export. Most people using Windows/MS Office didn’t have. First I installed a “print to PDF” plugin but that was just terrible, awful quality photo conversion and all. In the end I had to get an Office 2007 just for this occasion and use their own Save to PDF add-in, for great good. Actually, it worked like a charm, I just wonder why they didn’t make the same thing for Office 2003 that seems to be much more abundant (I know, 8 years old software has no love). Finally I had everyone’s thing in the same, reliable format, and uploaded to Google Docs and Dropbox, so can transfer it between computers easily.

One more thing I had to do the the slides: add an empty slide on the end of the 20 slides of each presentation, so it’s easy to see when they are finished. Used pdfmanipulate for that. Prepare an empty slide, can use e.g. LibreOffice, export it as empty.pdf, then having all the talk PDFs in a a sub-directory called “original, run a script like this:


for f in $DIR/*.pdf
    echo "${newf}"
    pdfmanipulate merge --output="${newf}_extra.pdf" "$f" empty.pdf


The tech setup in the front; From Ignite Taipei #2

There were two kinds of slides to take care of: one with the speakers’ names and their talks titles, the other one is the talks themselves, prepares as described earlier.

The speaker intro slides were done in LibreOffice. Had a little problem with that one as well, as if Chinese characters were set to bold text, they showed up blurred. Not good looking, lot even legible sometimes. So just before start I was scrambling to change all text from bold to normal. It’s just a pain.

The talk slides were shown using Impressive, a command line presentation software written in Python. It is pretty good, quite flexible and easy to set the slide show times, transitions and total time progress bar.

Use the following script saved as e.g. to show the talk as nextalk_extra.pdf:

# Run the presentation


./ -D 1 \
                -a ${SLIDETIME} \
                -d ${TOTALTIME} \
                -T 350 \
                -t CrossFade \
                -c persistent \

There are some problems with it, though. Sometimes it took quite a while to show a slide that had a good quality photo, which messed up the timing. The total time didn’t quite work out the way I expected, I think every presentation was a bit longer than 5 minutes overall. Not too big problem., but if I can do right, then I could.

Previously used the Adobe Acrobat Reader’s auto-advance when full screen mode, that was just fine, might go back there next time if I cannot fix Impressive.

Web streaming + recording

A common thing to live-stream Ignite so other people can watch it to. I found it easiest to do with VLC + Justin.TV, they already have some software done that seems to work quite well. The first time I had some sound sync issues, this time managed to fix that, but in the end it didn’t matter.

To do the stream using my Logitech QuickCam S7500 and sound on the line-in from the venue’s sound system, start VLC with the following script:

# Using webcam + line-in audio
# Display + Transcode (Save + Stream)
# needs jtvlc to get it out

vlc v4l2:///dev/video0 \
     :input-slave=alsa://plughw:0,0 \

It as some mighty long line and not sure if it can really be wrapped anywhere. Basically it displays the webcam’s picture, transcodes it to x264 and sends it to an rtp socket and saves into a file in the same time. Might want to be careful with this, as the saved file will be overwritten every time the script is run.

The most curious thing is that in the copy that is displayed, the sound is not in sync, but actually the transcoded video is okay.

Next step is sending the stream out to, using jtvlc:

./jtvlc-lin-0.41/jtvlc ${JUSTINTV_USERNAME} ${JUSTINTV_STREAM_KEY} "/tmp/vlc.sdp" -d

Here the username and stream key has to be filled in with your values. If everything’s fine then there’s a big stream of debug information on the screen and on the website the channel goes online.

At our event I had a problem that after reboot somehow the sound input is borked and all out video was without sound, the final saved file couldn’t even be opened. Never mind, fortunately we had recording from a proper camera.

HD recording + postprocessing

It is also essential to have some good recording of the show, since that can make it really reach a wider audience, and it’s good to look back at it later as well.

This time we had a cameraman helping out, and after the talks finished I got the videos from him. He’s using a Sony camera with a FAT32-formatted SD card, which was a nice pain to manage. Last the video we had was straightforward mp4 format, while this time 2Gb chunks of AVHCD, a proprietary format. Had to convert that into something I can manage.

It took a wile to figure out, but in the end the result was acceptable.

1) join the spilt parts with tsMuxeR. Had to make sure I’m using joins, not just listing all the files and saving them as one (sounds like the same thing but it isn’t). In the end I had some “.m2ts” files

2) Next I had to convert those into mp4. The m2ts files had actually h264 video that is good for mp4, so ended up just copying it. The audio had to be transcoded to aac, because the original was ac3 while that’s not accepted audio codec for mp4. Fortunately ffmpeg could handle AVHCD files now. The only really tricky part was that the original video was 1080i – interlaced. Next time have to make sure that the cameraman sets things to progressive, makes life so much easier.

# Start recreating video
ffmpeg -deinterlace \
       -i ${INFILE} \
       -f mp4 \
       -vcodec copy \
       -strict experimental \
       -acodec aac \
       -ab 128k \
       -y ${OUTFILE}

This took quite short time, which is a relief, before I figured out that things can be this simple I had transcoded files in hundreds of giga-bytes, and things took hours.

3) Spilt the video for uploading to YouTube. Used Avidemux for that, which can – barely – handle h264 encoded video. Somehow it couldn’t find the key-frames so it decided that every 30th frame must be that and I can only split things there. This resulted in every video having some strange pictures in the beginning (duh, missing keyframe). Might be better with re-encoding, or rather finding a better program to handle h264 video.


Fixing stuff at halftime; From Ignite Taipei #2

Of course there are some things to improve next time:

  • Better video recording that eases post-processing. Preferably have our own camera that we learn how to use and not have to figure out something new every time
  • One a computer is set up and tested, no more reboots
  • Check the timing of the slides to make sure they are really 15 seconds each
  • Improve Impressive, maybe prepare some patches: exit when presentation finished, show empty screen after last slide, timing issues
  • Switch to scripted intro slides so I don’t have to edit each of them to make sure they look the same. Maybe use one of the Javascript web presentation frameworks and a full-screen Chrome window…
  • Set up our own website for Ignite. This one is the big one. Should allow us to do a lot of interesting things, but I try get myself to make it first with a few features only, not with all bells and whistles. A WordPress page with some plugins or a full blown Django site or something else? Time will tell…

Language of the Month: Prolog, part 2

If something, then this is a belated post. Prolog was the language of July and now it’s September. Anyway, before I completely fail, let’s just wrap it up and go on the next language with this one month hiatus in August.

I really enjoyed the language and one month is indeed barely enough to start doing something useful. So I have to come back to it again and maybe keep reading about it in the meantime. It’s actually quite interesting to try to figure out Prolog code on paper, without actually running something. I think one of the books I was reading had plenty of exercises like this: without running the code, can you guess what is it doing? Needless to say, there were plenty of tricky bits/

From the comments

During two months, some additional resources did show up. A dear commenter on the previous post recommended me the following book: Richard O’Keefe: The Craft of Prolog. I got about a third, maybe halfway through it and it’s interesting, written long time ago in a style that since gone out of fashion, unfortunately. It’s a programming book that is fun to read and one can see that the author is very knowledgeable. Some aspects of the book didn’t age very well, though. The author keeps comparing Prolog to other languages – many of them are not very widely available either. Also, some of the language features are specific to his version of Prolog, that wasn’t the same one I was using. Would recommend, though!

This last part, the different implementations of the same language, can be a real problem. Of the three compilers available for me, all of them had specific strengths and weaknesses. Guess they are converging, but not quite yet. So far I was mostly using SWI Prolog, but this might change in the future.

The said commenter also recommended a cross-compiler, doing Prolog-to-C magic, for portability and other goodness. Can grab it from here: I haven’t had time to try it yet, but once I have, I’ll do a comparison.

From the web

From a friend’s recommendation I was checking out a site with free textbooks. They are all advertisement-sponsored, which is an intriguing idea (for another post). The IT section had not one but two books on Prolog: Prolog Techniques and Applications of Prolog.

Two prolog book covers
Free textbooks on Prolog from Bookboon

This latter one has a Hungarian author so I’m even more intrigued, we used to have great computer scientists (John von Neumann / Neumann János, anyone?), so I hope we keep up that tradition. (Oh, yeah, and had great physicists as well, maybe I can do more on that front later).

I was only skimmed them a little bit, but looks like these will be good addition for my “programming for fun and efficiency” library.

Will update the original LotM:Prolog page with these links as well. Now onto September’s Language, fortunately I have idea what I want to learn for the next ~3.5 weeks. October will be something Artificial Intelligence related since I signed up for the AI-class.


Language of the Month: Prolog

New month, new programming language to learn, the 3rd one in this series. So the repertoire so far contains:


It is again a very different choice, logic programming. Been playing with it for the last two weeks or so, and it really makes me think differently about programming and programs. Logic and complex thinking was always a favorite past-time of me (e.g. solving puzzles and such), but only now I realized that I do have a lot to practice in this area.

Prolog is also one of the older languages (feels like a “classmate” of Lisp and Fortran) so it was the first language in the series where I could actually go to a library, take out some books to learn it, and that book wasn’t hopelessly out of date (try to do the same thing with Python or Ruby…). Since these books were also written by academics and not necessarily computer scientists, their whole approach is different, in a way more curious, though probably less practical.

In the end, I think what I would like to gain is a tool that I can use to attack problems that are intractable or at least very difficult in other languages.


One of the first thing I found hard to figure out was how to actually run a program. So in a nutshell: even if most of the interaction is within an interpreter-like environment, all the basics have to be prepared in a file and loaded.

E.g. I prepare a file like this (based on Ender’s Game), call it

%% Genealogy of Ender's Game.
% Facts
male('john paul').

parent('john paul', ender).
parent('john paul', peter).
parent('john paul', valentine).
parent(theresa, ender).
parent(theresa, peter).
parent(theresa, valentine).

% Predicates
father(X, Y) :-
	parent(X, Y).
mother(X, Y) :-
	parent(X, Y).

sibling(X, Y) :-
	father(F, X), mother(M, X),
	father(F, Y), mother(M, Y),
	X \= Y.
brother(X, Y) :-
	sibling(X, Y).
sister(X, Y) :-
	sibling(X, Y).

Then starting Prolog I can load the file with the [‘’]. form, and ask questions like who is Ender’s sister? Who are Theresa’s kids? Who are Peter’s siblings?

?- [''].
% compiled 0.00 sec, 144 bytes

?- sister(Sis, ender).
Sis = valentine ;

?- mother(theresa, Kid).
Kid = ender ;
Kid = peter ;
Kid = valentine.

?- sibling(peter, X).
X = ender ;
X = valentine ;

Well, this is laughably simple, and I’m beyond this already, but it’s good for a first illustration.

By the way, it looks like 90% of elementary Prolog examples use family trees (Nordic or Greek gods, literary, real families…)

Now let’s get in there and learn some more stuff…


Tutorials & Info





Language of the Month: Lua, part 2

I’m a few days behind schedule since Lua was June’s language, but here it comes, some summary of my experience, after setting things up in the first part.

A Trip to the Moon / Le Voyage dans la Lune
Lua is not this painful, indeed, just the opposite


I really liked this language, and I’m sure I’ll keep learning it. Very useful and lots of interesting concepts. I haven’t seen an embedded language before, and some parts

Most of what I picked up was from Beginning Lua Programming and Programming in LuaLua Missions was another very useful experience: a “fill in the blank” type of source code collection, which drilled my understanding of the Lua concepts. Some sections felt a little short, so maybe later I’ll think whether there are any more questions I can come up with. Very well worth the time!

There are two things that stand out: tables and local environments.


If I have to refer to my knowledge of Python, then Lua tables are like Python lists and dicts rolled into one and then some. Here’s one such table:

x = {1, 2, 3, y = "something", ["or else"]="what"}

The first three elements are giving an array (and one can loop over them), then the last two are key-value pairs. One tricky thing is that the “y” there is actually a string (the same as [“y”]), just made it more readable with syntactic sugar. Since variables (references to variables) can be keys as well, this can get confusing if one has a variable called “y”… There are quite a few things about tables that are confusing, but actually pretty consistent so my fuses are not blowing that much as they were in the beginning (for example: how the length is looked up, how to iterate through the different values) .

They are very complex animals so some things are quite complex to do, which in turn enables quite complex things to be done. Pretty much any kind of data structure can be built upon them. So all in all, I’m enjoying them with all their quirks. Also, “weak tables” are an interesting concept (where certain table entries can garbage collected).


In Python, the name spaces and environments seem to be on the sidelines (at least what I’ve seen so far): people need it and have to us it, but nothing more than that. In Lua this is taken to a whole new level: scopes can be essential parts of the way algorithms are implemented and neat tricks can be played.

I tried to come up with some good example and failed, here’s a “duh” one:

function newCounter ()
    local i = 0
    return function ()   -- anonymous function
        i = i + 1
        return i

c1 = newCounter()
print(c1())  -- 1
print(c1())  -- 2

This is a bit like Python’s “yield” type of generator, without anything special.

Also, in Python there are only two kinds of variables (I think): local and global: either just for you or for everyone. Here they have one more: upvalues, where the variable is local to a parent, so children environment can access them but the parent’s parents cannot. They are strange beasts as well, e.g. the code itself cannot really know if a variable is upvalue or global, only that it can access that.

And of course these scopes help embedding to not just be possible but straightforward and powerful. Local environments can be restricted, some things selectively enabled, and all this transparently, so the script running might not even know that it’s being in the Matrix.

The Lua Experience


  • Fast, both start up and running
  • Language itself is quite small, possible to wrap one’s head around quite easily
  • Written in ANSI C, so basically on every architecture where one can run C, one can have Lua as well
  • Quite a few program has Lua interpreter or interface built in, see the list of these at Wikipedia
  • Tables are great and once one mastered them, are really Swiss Army Knives
  • Built in interpreter (though could use a little love like iPython)
  • The “…” syntax for variable number of arguments
  • Astrological naming convention – modules are rocks, the exercises I linked previously are missions, web framework is Kepler


  • There seem to be a lot of reserved names (e.g. in metatables) that would be pretty much impossible to figure out with a book (and/or an iPython-like helpful environment), though this is a problem probably only when starting out with Lua


  • While some complex things can be solved, some simple things can require complex coding (e.g. in case of the tables when using “__index” and “__newindex“) and there are things that are not even possible. Or I just misunderstood some sections of the book.
  • Using a lot of syntactic sugar (especially in the object oriented section), that I feel need some more practice to pick up, as things can be done in multiple ways
  • The tables’ syntactic sugar covered way of handling string keys, convenient when things go well, mighty confusing at even the slightest problem
  • Too few projects using Lua, too few sources of information (this is not the language’s fault, though)


Originally I wanted to do some useful programming in every language I learn during the Language of the Month series. I failed with Scala (lazy), and now failed with Lua too (underestimating the difficulty). I’m using VLC a lot and it has Lua scripting enabled, so I wanted to do a plugin that can be useful for me later as well. This didn’t work out very well, mainly because it feels the VLC Lua interface is not very well documented, one mostly have to find some examples that exist already and use them. I ended up wasting a lot of time and still don’t quite understand how to do certain things I would like for my code, and don’t even know if it’s possible to do or not. Will come back to it later, until that here are a few links that helped me to get started:

  • VLC Lua FAQ – detailed list of available API functions, but almost no context and examples
  • Lua extensions in the VLC git repo – one can pick up something by checking out those examples
  • Example: Streaming Radio Player Extension – someone who have gone further down this road than me and has a working extension. Very educational, especially to see how concise and straightforward it can be, because the VLC Lua API seems to be thought out well.

Again, hopefully pick this up later (I mean it).