
When WordPress caching is not what it seems

When parts of a system are strongly interconnected, one can discover latent issues while debugging something completely different. This is what happened with this blog’s caching and integrating with the Fediverse.

Fediverse adventures

I was part of The Great Twitter Exodus of 2022, and like many I’ve landed on Mastodon (hey, hello, Mastodon and the whole Fediverse and its build around the ActivityPub protocol is technically very interesting and brings back a bit of retro-joy to me (which needs some reflections on why and how is retro joyful, but another time). This current blog is running WordPress, and soon found that there’s a plugin to turn a WordPress blog into a my own ActivityPub node. That seemed some excellent way to connect up tools and make a more inter-connected Internet (besides nerding out, if I’m fully honest).