Programming Taiwan

A personal finance data pipeline project

I had received a (family) project brief recently. In Taiwan many credit/debit cards have various promotions and deal, and many of them depend on one’s monthly spending, for example “below X NTD spending each month, get Y% cashback”. People also have a lot of different cards, so playing these off each other can be nice pocket change, but have to keep an eye on whether where one is compared to the max limit (X). So the project comes from here: easy/easier tracking of where one specific card’s spending is within the monthly period. That doesn’t sound too difficult, right? Except the options for these are:

  1. A banking website with CAPTCHAs and no programmatic access
  2. An email received each day with an password-protected PDF containing the last day’s transactions in a table

Neither of these are fully appetizing to tackle, but both are similar to bits that I do at #dayjob, but 2. was a bit closer to what I’ve been doing recently, so that’s where I landed. That is:

  • Forward the received email (the email provider does it)
  • Receive it in some compute environment
  • Decrypt the PDF
  • Extract the transaction data table
  • Clean and process the tabular data
  • Put raw in some data warehouse
  • Transform data to get the right aggregation
  • Literally profit?

I was surprised how quick this actually worked out in the end (if “half a weekend” is quick), and indeed this can be a first piece of a “personal finance data warehouse”.


An Open-Heart Motherboard Surgery

My personal laptop, this very day, is a Lenovo (Thinkpad) X201 from 2011. That’s more than 11 years of service, and still pretty well holding up (in no small part thanks to Archlinux and Xfce). Nonetheless a few weeks ago, it just decided after a very “helpful” spark when plugged in, that it won’t turn on nor charge 🙀… After reading a bit and experimenting with the charger, the battery, &c, the probable verdict that “it needs a motherboard replacement”. I did start to consider, whether to give it piece and just wholesale replace it with a new machine, but since I’ve already taken it apart a few times, I thought that self-service might just give it a bit longer lease on life.

First time ordering from AliExpress, I actually found a bunch of people still selling the board, and at ~80USD it doesn’t even break the bank (even if it wouldn’t work, or wouldn’t work for long). Thus ordered one with the right CPU that I vaguely remembered (it’s soldered on, so couldn’t be replaced), and waited. The predicted shipping time was something like 40-70 days, but actually it turns out things can arrive in less than 14, if the delivery company sets its mind to it…

A new-old motherboard for the Lenovo X201

Now just had to get my trusty little precision screw set and start working on it (like a few times before, but hopefully with better success).


100 Days to Offload WordPress Plugin

In the course of pushing myself to write more on this blog, I’ve come across the #100DaysToOffload project. It’s super simple: write a 100 blogposts in a year in your personal blog to unlock the achievement. It seems like gamification done to the right level, as it’s not to strenuous (“write every day” would likely fail before lift-off), and not too lax (100 blogpost are still quite a stretch to go!). Thus it looked like the right too to trick myself into doing the thing I already wanted.

On the other hand, I’m one for meta-games, especially when I have doubts whether I stand a chance in the game itself, thus came the idea of do something around 100DaysToOffload that might also result in a blogpost. Hence came the “Hundred Days to Offload” WordPress Plugin idea: get a bit of coding in, make something useful to see if the game has been “won”, an also get one (or more) write-ups out of it.

Spoiler alert: it’s working now, very barebones, but to the point… that there’s a long way to go.

Screenshot of the Hundred Days to Offload plugin in the WordPress admin interface.
How the Hundred Days to Offload plugin looks in practice (as of now).

In the process, that took a couple of days over the weekend, I’ve revisited PHP, that I used to “play” with for projects before, though haven’t done anything serious, nor made it part of my Language of the Month series, so far. It was still quite interesting to revisit with more mature eyes of e.g. how good projects look like in the Python ecosystem (where I spend most of my time), and whether lessons learned there are applicable here.


Creating a Prometheus metrics exporter for a 4G router

Recently I begun fully remote working from home, with the main network connectivity provided by a 4G mobile router. Very soon I experienced patchy connectivity, not the greatest thing when you are on video calls for half of each day. What does one do then (if not just straight replacing the whole setup with a wired ISP, if possible), other than monitor what’s going on and try to debug the issues?

The router I have is a less-common variety, an Alcatel Linkhub HH441 (can’t even properly link to on the manufacturer’s site, just on online retail stores). At least as it should, it does have a web front-end, that one can poke around in, and gather metrics from – of course in an automatic way.

The Alcatel HH41 LinkHub router that I had at hand to use

Looking at the router’s web interface, and checking the network activity through the browsers’ network monitor (Firefox, Chrome), the frontend’s API calls showed up, so I could collect a few that requested different things like radio receiving metrics, bandwidth usage, uptime, and so on… From here we are off to the races setting up our monitoring infrastructure, along these pretty standard lines:


ARM images to help the Archive Team

Two weeks ago I came across a thread on Hacker News, linking to an announcement of the shutdown of Yahoo! Answers by early May. One of the early comments pointed people to the Archive Team and their project to archive Yahoo Answers before that 4th May deadline. It looked interesting and I gave their recommended tool, the Archive Team Warrior a spin. It runs in VirtualBox, super easy to set up, lightweight, and all around good. Nevertheless after one night keeping my laptop running and archiving things I was wondering if there was a less wasteful way of doing the archiving. In short order I came across the team’s notes on how to run the archiver as Docker containers. That’s more like it: I have some Raspberry Pi devices running at home anyways, if those could be the archiving clients it would make a lot more sense!

While trying out the instructions, it was quickly clear that the Archive Team provided images out of the box were not working on the Pi. Could they be made to work, though? (Spoiler: it did, and you can check the results on GitHub.)

Container ARM-ification

The issue was that the Archive Team-provided project container, is only available for amd64 (x64-64) machines. Fortunately the source code is available on GitHub and thus could check out the relevant Dockerfile. It uses a specific base image,, whose repo reveals that internally it pulls in containing a modified version of wget from yet another repo (adding Lua scripting support, plus a bunch of other stuff added by Archive Team). But fortunately this is the bottom of the stack. And this bottom of the stack is based on debian:buster-slim which does come built as multiarchitecture images, providing arm64, armv7, armv6 versions, the architectures that are relevant for us if building for the Raspberry Pi (and other ARM boards, since why not).